Views : 2300
Use Counts : 211
Description : 12x12 papers, 1 apple, 1 basket, 2 bikes, 1 birdie, 1 branch with birdies, 3 blankets, 3 bows, 1 boy, 5 brads, 1 camera, 1 celery stick, 2 eyelets, 8 flowers, 12 frames, 2 frisbees, 2 filled baskets (1 with a wine bottle and 1 without), 1 girl, 1 grass element, 2 kits, 3 leaves, 1 music dock, 1 napkin, 1 orange, 1 peach, 1 pear, 1 curled ribbon, 8 ricrac ribbons, 2 sandwiches (1 meat and one PBJ), 1 strawberry, 1 wine bottle, 1 road element, 5 embroidery stitched stars, 1 sun element, 1 swingset, 1 teeter totter, 1 tire swing, 1 tree, 5 fun tunnels and 1 viewmaster.
Tags: basket, picnic, bike, view, master, swing, teeter, totter, tire, branch, stars, wine, strawberry