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Canvas 20" x 20"

Blanky Bunny Ducks In A Row Lavendar Pink Nursery Canvas 20 X 20 By Catvinnat 19 x19.27  Canvas - 1
19"x19.27" Canvas - 1

Blanky Bunny Ducks in a row lavendar pink nursery canvas 20 x 20

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Comments : 1
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Blanky Bunny Ducks in a row lavendar pink nursery canvas 20 x 20

Tags: canvas 20, canvas, catvinnat, blanky, bunny, ducks, in, a, row, lavendar, pink, nursery, 20, x, baby, mom, dad, family, love, friends, christmas, newborn, boy, girl, frame

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1. Posted by Catvinnat

for anyone wanting to use this as a template please email customer services as for some strange reason artscow won't authorise it as a template. perhaps we can exert some gentle pressure.
From my point of view as a designer its extremely frustrating to have a popular design marked as 'not suitable for template' with no explanation and no response to the 2 emails I have sent.
the email for customer service is
many thanks

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